Thursday, July 5, 2012

Dear Reality,

I found this posted on Facebook the other day to one of my friends.  My friend has been going through some rather difficult times lately.  Ranging from his adult son recently breaking his leg to a low life piece of crap taking advantage of him and his family---after they took this person in off the streets to make sure he finished high school!

            Because of my closeness to this man and his family, I have chosen to express my feelings here; than to reply on his Facebook.  And, because of the nature of being an anti-theist (non-believer of a god), I’m sure most will understand why; I made this choice.
            Every time, I see one of these kinds of post on a social web-site I want to vomit!  How can people really think or believe that there is somebody in the sky just waiting for you to ask him for help or to unload your troubles on him.  Especially, since there are far more important, bigger issues in this world that need’s tending to.

With such things like; poverty, starvation and slavery still actively killing and destroying families!  Not…help me find my keys or help me fix my marriage!  Things like…sexual abuse protection of our children (punishing anyone who is convicted of this; clergy included) and women’s rights to seek preventive health care without being discriminated against by anyone!  Not…please let me get to work on time or I hope my church will raise enough money for whatever needs to be done this month.

            Folks, this is not about harming or hurting anyone that claims to be a Christian or religious.  There are millions of religious Christian people in this world that are very good people!  They are just delusional and illusionary about a great deal of the problems in this world.  It’s almost as if people are lazy about trying to solve their problems.  And, rest assured; some Christian will come along and want to tell you that they will “pray for you” or “just put it in god’s hands!”  Really!  That’s it!  The problem is gone and I no longer have to deal or face it?  Ask yourselves this; “Has anything really ever gotten better for you because of a prayer?”  And, if you think it has then I would ask you this; “Are you sure there is not a logical reason for what made you better?  The doctors, medicine or procedure didn’t make you better?  You received a check in the mail from your old landlord who owed you a deposit!  And, you prayed for financial help and here it came!  Was that god answering a prayer or the landlord sending it and the postal employee delivering it?

The last two lines are what particularly stand out to me.  But I trust you.  I know you will give me what’s best.  First, why would you ever trust anyone you have never met?  Especially, with the overwhelming lack of evidence that this supernatural being ever existed!  What if Charles Manson was proven to be the “messiah” of Christianity?  What now?  Are you going to trust him?  Of course not; society has proven beyond any doubt; that this man is dangerous.  But, with evidence!

Here are some examples of god giving the human species and all living creatures, what’s best for them!


GENESIS 34:13 Shechem had premarital sex with Jacob’s daughter Dinah, which angered Jacob’s sons. Shechem and his father, Hamor, agreed to circumcision for the men in the city in order for Shechem to marry Dinah and make Jacob’s other daughters eligible for the men of the city. Three days later, while the men were still enduring the pain of circumcision, Jacob’s sons attacked the unsuspecting city, killing Shechem and Hamor with swords, looting the city, seizing the flocks, herds, possessions and wealth, plundering the houses and carrying off their women and children.

GENESIS 6 & 7 Unhappy with the wickedness of man, God killed every living thing on the planet except Noah’s family. Men, women, infants and animals drowned in unimaginable terror and agony.

GENESIS 19:6- In Sodom, Lot’s home was assaulted by a homosexual mob seeking to have relations with two angels. Lot volunteered his virgin daughters to the crowd, saying "you can do what you like with them" as long as the guests are left alone. After offering his children to be raped, Lot was then appointed by God as worthy of rescue from Sodom’s destruction.

GENESIS 19:26: God, still unfazed by the proposed rape of Lot’s virgin daughters, turned Lot’s wife into a pillar of salt for the heinous crime of looking over her shoulder.

GENESIS 38: 8-10 – Onan was instructed by Judah to lay with his brother’s wife to produce offspring for his brother (who was put to death by God for wickedness). Onan slept with his brother’s wife but "spilled his semen on the ground to keep from producing offspring for his brother" (NIV). God found this wicked, so God killed him.

EXODUS 2:12 Moses saw an Egyptian beating up a Hebrew. He looked around, saw no witnesses, killed the Egyptian and hid him in the sand.

EXODUS 7:2-4 God hardened Pharaoh’s heart and planned his "mighty acts of judgment.

EXODUS 7:20-21 God turned the Nile river to blood. The fish died, and the water was undrinkable.

EXODUS 8: 6-7 God sent a plague of frogs which covered the land.

EXODUS 8:16 God sent a plague of gnats.

EXODUS 8:24 God sent a swarm of flies.

EXODUS 9:5 God killed all of the Egyptian livestock with a plague.

EXODUS 9:10 God sent a plague of festering boils on the people and animals.

EXODUS 9:22-25 God sent a hail storm to Egypt, striking man and animal, stripping the land.

EXODUS 12: 29 God killed the first-born in every Egyptian home that wasn’t marked with lamb’s blood.

EXODUS 17:13 Moses held out the staff of God, allowing Joshua to kill the Amalekites.

EXODUS 21:20-21 According to God’s law, it was wrong to beat a slave to the point of death. But if the slave survived and got back up within a few days, the beating wasn’t punishable, because the slave was the property of the master. (God endorsed slavery and the beating of slaves.)

EXODUS 32:27 After seeing the golden calf, God commanded the Levites, "Each man strap a sword to his side. Go back and forth through the camp from one end to the other, each killing his brother and friend and neighbor." 3,000 were slaughtered, and God was pleased.

LEVITICUS 26:7-8 God rewarded obedience with assurances that enemies would all die by the sword.

LEVITICUS 26:22 God warned that, if the people didn’t listen to Him, he would send wild animals to rob parents of their children, destroy cattle and leave the roads deserted.

LEVITICUS 26:27-29 God threatened hostility, punishing people for their sins "seven times over," making them eat the flesh of their sons and daughters.

            This is just three books from the bible folks!  The list can go on and on.

            I have three grown children and two grand-children; and I could not even imagine for just the slightest Mila-second of ever doing just the least of these atrocities mentioned above to them!  Furthermore, I could not imagine doing these things to another fellow human being or animal!

            Why?  Please tell me why?  You should put your trust into anything or anyone who has done these horrible things to humanity?  Why?  Please tell me why?  You should trust this thing…this deity who will kill you and your entire family if you don’t obey or be a servant?

I’ve got good news people!  God didn’t do any of those things!  Because, he, it or whatever you call it; never existed!  The bible is nothing more than a book full of myths and half-truths!  There are some hints of truth in the bible; just as there are in most myths and fairytales!

            Why is it that we as humans, think that we are the center of this universe?  We think that we are the reason that this whole cosmos is here.  Science has proven that the earth has been in existence for billions of years!  And, we the human species have only been on earth for around 3,500 years.  I think that it is hard for our minds to comprehend that if we were to cease to exist as a species; that the earth, the universe and the cosmos would continue to exist!  That everything would continue without us…and frankly would care less if we were here or not!  We feel that we are the center of the grand scale of all things!
            I think the following video would better explain this point!

Rely on reason and your fellow man, friends, family to help you in your time of need.  Depend on a friend to help you with some advice on a situation.  Real people with real problems in a real world need…Reality!
            “Is religion the minds defense mechanism to reality?  Is reality so overwhelming that the mind creates illusions as a coping mechanism for shear reality?  Religion is the minds defense mechanism to reality---until the mind discovers illusions are the defense mechanism of religion against reality.” ---Jeff Dempsey


  1. Talk about a waste of time...Retardation I guess

    The Lord fixed death now you're mad about that!

    I figured this all out a long time ago. It's hard to believe you can't!

  2. How do you figure that "the lord" fixed death? And, as you know Joey; in the gossip business; can you prove your statement with evidence or facts? I know the answer to that question as well as you do! No, you can't prove it! And, if I may ask; what did you figure out a long time ago?

  3. Why would you want to know? If you are so happy and complete, what are you searching for and why are you bugging others with it?

  4. Mr. Ray is that the best answer that you can muster up? Answer a question with a question; seriously! I thought maybe this would be a intelligent discussion between people who agree and dis-agree about this very controversial topic.

    As far as, why I would want to know! You made a very extraordinary claim and statement and said it as a fact. That statement being; "The lord fixed death along time ago!" Can you prove your statement with facts or evidence? I really don't know how much more plain that question can be! If the lord fixed death along time ago; then why do people still die? Wait a minute! Before I throw more questions at you, I better let you answer the earlier questions first!

    Let's try and be respectful with each other! I do hope you can respond back with a fact based answer and reason for that statement you made earlier. If you don't respond with an answer should we assume that you can't prove your claims then?

    Jeff Dempsey

    1. I guess we have our answer! Just another person who babbles on a soap-box who can't support one ounce of his claims!

      Thump that bible and then don't know a damn thing about what the bible or they are talking about! Blind faith and/or blind ignorance?

  5. I'm sorry you don't get it! Not everybody can.

    1. Sorry! What are you sorry about? Don't get it! Don't get what? You know what? I just have gotten a new idea for a new article! Now, wait a minute before you go getting all full of yourself and as the song goes; "you probably think this song is about you! Don't you?" It's not about you per se but, rather to demonstrate the level of ignorance of the xian and how they believe that they have absolute knowledge of the existence of a god without a ounce of proof. And, how they become so upset when others don't believe in their views. I will also, define to you and other xians what the word "atheist" means. But, before I do...why don't you indulge us with your definition of an atheist.

      Also, note this Joe Ferguson, owner of the blog known as "Moes News Forum"; I did not band you from my blog because of your opinions or comments. But, you did me from yours...that's fine! It's not like you never contributed anything intelligent to your own blog anyway!

    2. One other thing Joey. When are you ever going to answer the questions? Are you that unintelligent that you can't answer the questions about your statements you made earlier? I mean at least try for crying out loud man; show that you can obtain a thought and then be able to prove your claims with some kind of facts that can be verified! I want to hear your reasons for your statements Joey. You may have a point of view that could be interesting to me or the conversation!
